"Son of man, the citizens of Jerusalem (the Jews) are telling the rest of the House of Israel, that since they were sent away from God, that it is to them that the land has been given as their domain. Say therefore, The Lord says this: 'Yes, I have sent them far away among the nations, and I have dispersed them to foreign countries...but I will gather them together from among the peoples,
I will bring them all back from the countries where they have been scattered
and I will give them the land of Israel."
Most of us, when we hear the word 'Israel', think only of the Jews. But from the beginning the Jews have had to share this title with a great many others, because in scripture the House of Israel consists of twelve tribes and the Jews are just one of those twelve. (See Map)
By the time Jesus was born, only a small remnant of two tribes remained in the Holy Land. The others had all disappeared -- melded into the genetic infrastructure of the human race.
The Jewish scholars could not conceive a divine intervention powerful enough to restore these missing people, because the lost tribes had become indistinguishable from the Gentiles into whose stock they had disappeared.
For this reason, the Jews steadfastly see themselves as the sole beneficiaries of all the ancient promises in scripture concerning the House of Israel.
The name 'Israel' means 'rebel'. It was the name the Lord gave to Jacob because he rebelled against God by fighting against an angel.
Jacob, the son of Isaac, was Abraham's grandson. He sired twelve sons.
Their names were, in the order of their ages: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamine.
Later reconciled with his family (after they came looking for something to eat), his father, Jacob (Israel) elevated Joseph to patriarchy status, and promoted Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manesseh to positions of equality with his own sons.
This completed the formation of Jacob's 12 tribes. ( The rests of Jacobs sons is a crook except for Joseph and he was sold to a mecrchant and later became a King). How can the Jew claim that the 12 tribes of Isreal is accepted by God)
In response to his rebellion against the angel, God changed Jacob's name to 'Israel', and, as a result, his eleven sons became known preferentially as the 'House of Israel' rather than the 'House of Jacob' (which is used as an occasional alternative by various prophets).
The name 'Israel', therefore, is symbolic. It means 'house of rebellion'. And it stands for a nation that made war against God by rebelling against His will, but which was allowed to survive by the mercy of God.
The name, therefore, has two derivitives, rebellion and mercy. The people of Israel were born into rebellion because of Adam's sin and they have gained their life only through the mercy of the forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ.
Jacob's fight against the angel duplicated man's warfare with God; and God's mercy to Jacob mirrored the reconciliation offered to mankind through Jesus Christ. For his struggle against the angel, Jacob received the name 'Israel', and that name has been passed down into all of his descendants -- and all, like Israel, have been offered the opportunity to extricate themselves from the battlefield and reconcile themselves with God.
DIVERSION OF WORDS BY SATAN TO ISREALIES . Jesus never mention about Jacob and the 12 tribes during his time.
One of the most important truths we have learned from Jesus is that the ingathering is not genetic. The people of God are not determined by DNA or by any other genetic factor. God has no favorite people. There is no divine race. Only a divine behavior.
The missing Hebrew tribes, scattered among the people recovered by God, not by genetic tracking, but by faith
The Jews who are saved will be saved by their faithfulness to the commandments of God -- not by the fact that they are Jewish.
the genetic descendants of those 11 tribes, ten of which disappeared 2700 years ago,
that most Christians today tend to view themselves as a kind of '13 th tribe' of Israel, bound to the Jews as an 'adopted' son of Abraham -- a sort of second class citizen of God on earth.
Abram: main character of Gen 12–25; recipient of God's promises; name changed to ABRAHAM (17:5); sons Ishmael (by Hagar) and Isaac (by Sarah); after Sarah's death, takes another wife, Keturah, who has six sons (25:1-4), including Midian, ancestor of the Midianites (37:28-36).
- Sarai: Abram's wife, thus Terah's daughter-in-law (11:29-31); Abram also calls her his "sister," which seems deceptive in one story (12:10-20); but in another story Abram insists she really is his half-sister (his father's daughter by another wife; 20:1-18); originally childless, but in old age has a son, Isaac (16:1–21:7); name changed to SARAH (17:15); dies and is buried in Hebron (23:1-20).
- Hagar: Sarah's Egyptian slave-girl; mother of Abram's first son, Ishmael; much conflict with Sarah after his birth; even more after the birth of Sarah's son, Isaac (16:1–21:21).
- Ishmael: first-born son of Abraham, by Hagar (16:1–17:27); wife or wives never named, but has 12 sons (25:12-16), the ancestors of 12 tribes of Ishmaelites (37:25-28). -
- Isaac: second son of Abraham, by wife Sarah, despite her old age (17:15-21; 21:1–35:29); marries Rebekah, who has twin sons, Esau & Jacob.

A CORRESPONDENT objects to our suggestion that Keturah, Abraham's third wife, represented the New Covenant, as his secondary wife, Hagar, represented the Law Covenant, and his primary wife, Sarah, represented the Covenant of Grace, "the New Jerusalem, the mother of us all," the mother of the promised seed, Isaac, typical of Christ Jesus the Head and the Church his Body, as the Apostle declares in Galatians 3:29;4:28.
The objection is that Keturah was not a wife, but a concubine or secondary wife, and that Abraham had several of these, according to Genesis 25:5,6, where we read, "Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines." The claim further is that Abraham was already old at the time of Isaac's birth and that the probabilities are that he had several concubines while Sarah was still living.
Nota : Penolakan oleh Bangsa Isreal atau Yahudi terhadap Katurah, isteri Nabi Allah Ibrahim yang terangkum tentang perjanjian Allah dengan keturunan Ibrahim)
Bangsa Yahudi tidak mahu mengaku bahawa mereka telah menolak perjanjian Allah tetapi meletakan kesalahan itu kepada Yaakob dan mengatakan bahawa Tuhan menukarkan nama Yakob kepada ISREAL.
Keturah bore Abraham six sons, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.[1]
According to the account in Genesis, before his death, Abraham sent off the children whom she bore "eastward, to the Land of the East."
Abraham, The Godfather of Many NationS:
Twelve Original ‘Selected’ NationS of Abraham:
- The 1st Nation was of Ishmaelite Hebrews (Twelve Tribes of Ishmaelite Hebrews migrated throughout Egypt and Arabia that were ofAfrican-Edenic descent/descendants of Abraham, a descendant of Shem and his 2nd Wife Haggar, a descendant of Ham)
- The 2nd Nation was of Israelite Hebrews (Twelve Tribes of Israelite Hebrews all of whom were of African-Edenic descent scattered throughout most of the World’s Countries, including West & South Africa = descendants of Abraham, a descendant of Shem and his 1stWife Sarah, a descendant of Shem)
- The 3rd Nation was of Edomite Hebrews (of African-Edenic descent = descendants of Abraham, a descendant of Shem and his 1st Wife Sarah, a descendant of Shem)
- The 4th Nation was of Arabian Hebrews (of African-Edenic descent = descendants of Abraham, a descendant of Shem and his 3rd Wife Keturah, a descendant of Ham)
- The 5th Nation was of Egyptian Hebrews (of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 6th Nation was of Ethiopian Hebrews (of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 7th Nation was of Libyan Hebrews (of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 8th Nation was of Asian Hebrews (East Indians, Orientals, Malaysians, Filipinos and Indonesians, etc…of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 9th Nation was of North American Hebrews (Aboriginal First Nations’ Peoples of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 10th Nation was of Central American, and South American Hebrews (Aboriginal First Nations’ Peoples of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 11th Nation was of Caribbean Hebrews (Aboriginal First Nations’ Peoples all of whom [Carib Indians] were of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham maaried into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
- The 12th Nation was of South Pacific Hebrews (Aboriginal Australians & South Pacific Islanders all of whom were of African-Edenic descent/descendants of Ham married into Abraham’s Hamitic-Semitic Family)
The name Keturah lends itself to a number of Rabbinic interpretations. She was perfumed (mekuteret) with commandments and good deeds (Gen. Rabbah 61:4); she was (through her good deeds) more savory (mekuteret) than all manner of spices (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer [ed. Higger], chap. 29); her deeds were as fine as incense (ketoret—Tanhuma, Hayyei Sarah 8). An additional explanation gives this word the meaning of binding or sealing (keshurah). When a person secures his valuables with his seal, they are still shut when he opens his treasury. Thus, even though Abraham sent Hagar forth and she wandered in the wilderness, when he brought her back she remained chaste and no other man had known her, for which she was known as Keturah (Gen. Rabbah61:4).
“The offspring of Keturah” was used as a disparaging appellation by the Rabbis when they wished to deride a Torah scholar who did not live up to expectations, just like the sons of Keturah, who, although the children of Abraham, did not attain the level of Isaac
When God wished to give the Torah, He offered it to the children of Keturah and to the Ishmaelites, but they refused to accept it
Keturunan Keturah adalah pilihan pertama Allah bagi mewarisi perjanjian diantara waris Ibrahim yang sah, hanya keturunan dari Keturah yang belum didatangkan nabi atau rasul ( Oleh itu Al Mahdi atau Al Masih semestinya dari benih Ibrahim dan Keturah- yang melata di bumi Land of The East.)
Keturah’s offspring never ceased to claim their father’s inheritance.Keturunan Katurah menolak tawaran untuk menerima Torah adalah kerana mereka tahu bahawa Keturah telah dijanjikan kemakmuran untuk keselamatan dunia dan akhirat untuk anak cucu Ibrahim terutama apabila dijanjikan akan menjadi pemerintah dunia diakhir zaman bagi menghapuskan penipuan yang dilakukan oleh keturunan anak-anak Yakob melainkan keturunan Nabi Yusof atau jOSEPH disebabkan kejahilan bangsa yang dinamakan ' Yahudi' .Disebabkan kemurkaan Allah terhadap Yahudi atau Bani Isreal yang jahat ini maka pertumbuhan populasi mereka amat sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain.
SAKA-BAKA NABI IBRAHIM AS... Bermula ada pun Saka itu daripada Ibu, manakala Baka itu daripada Bapa. Maka tiba giliran Nabi Ibrahim AS pula sebagei Bapak Manusia. Makanya dari asal Baka Nabi Ibrahim AS berkembang lagi 3 Baka - menjadi warisan Bani Arabi, Bani Yahudi dan Bani Nasara. Dari 3 isteri Nabi Ibrahim AS - Siti Sarah, Siti Hajar dan Keturah, maka muncullah 3 Saka - menjadi pusaka kepada Bani Arabi, Yahudi, Nasara dll lagi. Maka pengaruh2 Jin Saka dari 3 ibu itulah yg menyebabkan warisan2 Baka Nabi Ibrahim AS sering bertelagah sesama sendiri...
ReplyDeleteSITI SARAH DGN SITI HAJAR... Bani Yahudi dgn Bani Nasara dari satu Saka Siti Sarah, paling ego sombong licik pintar memutar belitkan sejarah. Sebenarnya Siti Hajar adalah salah seorang puteri suci Firaun yg muda lagi rupawan. Sebab itu Siti Sarah isteri pertama Ibrahim AS yg mandul sangat cemburu. Makanya antara Siti Sarah dgn Siti Hajar, Siti Hajar lebeh dulu hamil mengandung melahirkan Ismail Baka Pertama Nabi Ibrahim AS. Dari Siti Hajar, Ismail hingga Allah Rabbul Izzati bangkitkan Muhammad SAW, Obor Penutup Alam Kenabian. Berkat dolat sepuhan Ibrahim dgn Siti Hajar, kemudian baru Siti Sarah yg mandul itu bisa hamil mengandung melahirkan Saka-Bakanya yg kedua ketiga Bani Yahudi dan Nasara.. Bermakna Baka Ibrahim yg (1) Pertama adalah "BANI ARABI", (2) Kedua Bani Yahudi dan (3) Ketiga Bani Nasara...
KETURAH & BANI MIM.... Siapakah sebenernya itu Keturah..?? Benerkah Keturah itu isteri Ke3 Nabi Ibrahim AS..?? Jika bener Keturah itu isteri Ke3 Nabi Ibrahim AS, siapakah Saka-Baka dari Ibrahim AS dgn Keturah..?? Maka ramei yg difahamkan Keturah adalah isteri Ke3 Nabi Ibrahim AS. Ada yg percaya dari Saka Keturah itulah berkembangnya jadi Bani MIM. Namun Tok Zulqarnaen cumaan ada bilang, ada pun dari isteri Ke3 (bukan Keturah?) Nabi Ibrahim AS, makanya ujudlah dia itu "SITI KHODIJAH". Maka dialah "IBU INDUK" dan opah kepada Ahlulbait2 Nabi SAW, hingga telah pun bangkit Imam AlMahdi AS yg sedang dinanti.. Maka kesah2 sebener Opah Siti Khodijah tersangat panjang, tetapi sejarahnya telah banyak diselewengkan oleh Anak2 Dajjal AlMasikh...
IMAM ALMAHDI NASAB AHLULBAIT NABI SAW... Maka benerlah rencana dari Allah AlMutakabbir, telah dinobatkan-Nya Rasul Khatamul Nabuah Nabi Akhir Zaman itu dari Baka / Nasab Ibrahim dari BANI ARABI, yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW pembawa Agama Islam. Maka Bani Yahudi dgn Bani Nasara bertaraf adik2, sewajarnya mahu hormat sama Abang Tua mereka Bani Arabi. Namun hasutan Iblis Syaitan mereka sentiasa didorong bencikan Bani Arabi dan Islam. Maka dari Baka Ibrahim AS (Israel) dgn Baka/Nasab Muhammad SAW (Arabi) makanya akan bangkit Khalifah Akhir Zaman, dialah IMAM AlMAHDI. Aduhai kesiannya manusia yg maseh menanti Isa Ke2 yg telah mati hanya illusi. Zaman gemilang Bani Yahudi dan Bani Nasara telah tamat...
SAKA-BAKA RASULULLAH SAW... Dari Saka-Baka Nabi Muhammad SAW dgn opah Siti Khadijah disitulah ujud sebener2 Ahlulbait Lineage AlHussein AS (Anak Pintak NabI). Makanya dari titian talian Nasab Ahlulbait AlHussein AS inilah telah pun berkembang bangkitnya itu IMAM ALMAHDI. Asal berasalnya leluhurnya dari Kota MIM berhijrah berkembang menetap keBumi MIM. Dari Bumi MIM kebangkitannya diKota MIM, hingga menggegarkan dunia disatu Musim Haji... Wallahu'alemmmm....
DeleteKepada sekelian Ummat Islam dan Dunia Islam "SELAMAT BERBUKA PUASA"...
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