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Diharap pelawat yang ingin mencari kepastian tentang 'watak' Khaturah @ Qanturah, bolihlah mentelaah bahan dibawah ini tetapi penceritaan yang terkandung didalamnya telah diseleweng demi kepentingan 'kepercayaan' mereka :-
In opposition to the view that the offspring of Keturah were the realization of the Lord’s promise to Abraham, another approach presents them as perpetually menacing Israel. The Rabbis championing this position emphasize that these offspring do not follow the spiritual way of Abraham; moreover, since they already received their inheritance from him, they are not entitled to make any further demands.
The children of Keturah are depicted as waste that issued from Abraham (Sifrei on Deuteronomy 312). Zimran and Jokshan were so called because they would sing (mezamrim) and beat (mekishim) on a drum for idolatrous purposes (Gen. Rabbah 61:5). When God wished to give the Torah, He offered it to the children of Keturah and to the Ishmaelites, but they refused to accept it, since they could not abandon the robbery and theft on which their lives were based (Midrash Tannaim on Deut. 33:2).
The children of Keturah and of Ishmael did not receive Abraham’s blessing; the midrash stresses that this was an intentional decision on Abraham’s part. He said to himself: “If I bless Isaac now, I will also have to bless the children of Ishmael and of Keturah; but if I do not bless them, how will I be able to bless Isaac? Surely what He wants in His world will happen.” And so it happened that after Abraham’s death, God revealed Himself to Isaac and blessed him, as his father had intended to do (Gen. Rabbah 61:6).
Gen. 25:6 relates that Abraham sent the sons of Keturah away from Isaac “eastward, to the land of the East.” He told them: Go as far eastward as you can, so you will not be burnt by the burning coal of Isaac (Gen. Rabbah 61:7). In another tradition, Abraham sends the sons of Keturah away with a writ of divorce, as a wife is sent away from her husband. This notion is based on 25:6: “But to Abraham’s sons by concubines Abraham gave gifts while he was still living, and he sent them away from his son Isaac”; and this expulsion is both in this world and in the world to come (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer, chap. 29).
The Rabbis ask: What gifts did Abraham nevertheless give the sons of Keturah? And they reply: he gave them “the name of impurity.” This apparently means that he taught them the secrets of sorcery, a characteristic occupation of the non-Jews, which distinguishes them from Israel (BT Sanhedrin 91a).
The Rabbis stress that the subjugation of the children of Keturah to Israel is eternal. When Isaac blessed Jacob, he tells him (Gen. 27:29): “Let peoples serve you, and nations bow to you”; these nations are the offspring of Ishmael and of Keturah (Gen. Rabbah 66:4). Another midrash relates that when Jacob died, the offspring of Esau, Ishmael and Keturah came to Goren ha-Atad to fight against the sons of Jacob. However, when they saw Joseph’s crown suspended above Jacob’s coffin, they took their own crowns and also suspended them above the coffin. Accordingly, this place was called Goren ha-Atad (literally, the threshing floor of thorns), since Jacob’s coffin was surrounded by those thorns (BT Sotah 13a).
Keturah’s offspring never ceased to claim their father’s inheritance. The midrash tells of something involving the Rabbis during the time of Alexander the Great. The offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael came before Alexander and argued against Israel: “Erez Israel belongs to us and to you, for we also are the children of Abraham!” Gebiha ben Pesisa came and said to the Rabbis: “Grant me permission, and I will go and plead against them before Alexander the Great. If they defeat me, then say: You have bested the commoner among us; and if I defeat them, tell them: The Torah of our teacher Moses has defeated you.” They authorized him, and he went and disputed with the offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael. He asked: “Whence do you bring a proof for your claim?” They replied: “From the Torah.” Gebiha ben Pesisa retorted: “I, too, will bring a proof from the Torah. It is said [in Gen. 25:5–6]: ‘Abraham willed all that he owned to Isaac; but to Abraham’s sons by concubines Abraham gave gifts.’ If a father gave his children bequests in his lifetime and sent them away from each other, has any one a claim against the other?” The offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael immediately left behind their sown fields and their planted vineyards, and fled. That year was a Sabbatical year, and Israel enjoyed the fruits of the abandoned fields (BT Sanhedrin 91a).
“The offspring of Keturah” was used as a disparaging appellation by the Rabbis when they wished to deride a Torah scholar who did not live up to expectations, just like the sons of Keturah, who, although the children of Abraham, did not attain the level of Isaac (BT Zevahim 62a–b).
Abraham (PUH) was mentioned in twenty five chapters in holy quran: Al-Baqarah, Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Al-Tawbah, Hud, Yusuf, Ibrâhim, Al-Hijr, Al-Nahal, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-`Ankabut, Al-Ahzâb, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Al-Shurâ, Al-Zokhrof, Al-Ðâriyât, Al-Najm, Al-Hadeed, Al-Momtahanah, Al-A`lâ. In the chapter of Al-Baqarah, the Exalted says: And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed): Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower. Our Lord! And make us submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and relent toward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful(Al-Baqarah:127-128) In the chapter of Âl-`Imrân: Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed for mankind was that at Becca, a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples(Âl-`Imrân:96). In the chapter of Ibrâhim: And when Abraham said: My Lord! Make safe this territory, and preserve me and my sons from serving idols(Ibrâhim:35). In the chapter of Al-Haj: And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy) House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow and make prostration(Al-Haj:26), so follow (read) and notice (think).
We've pointed out that the story of Abraham (PUH) is connected to other stories like the story of Lot, and the story of his son Ishmael and the story of his son Isaac, and we've mentioned that Lot was his maternal cousin and also his nephew and they were in the same time sequence, and Lot believed in his uncle Abraham and so he was calling people to his religion. The Exalted said: And Lot believed him, and said: Lo! I am a fugitive unto my Lord(Al-`Ankabut:26). They say that Ishmael was born when Abraham was eighty six years old, and Abraham lived for one hundred and seventy five years, while Isaac was born while Abraham was one hundred years old and his mother is Sarah the maternal cousin of Abraham.
They say that Abraham (PUH) got another six children from other woman other than Sarah and Hagar, but quran did not mention apparently except ishmael and Isaac. Torah mentioned that Abraham married a woman called Keturah [Arabic: Qaturah] and she gave birth for six children for him, and it mentioned their names but there is no need to mention them now because it has no effects. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi he said: After Sarah's death, Abraham married Qanturâ' [just another variation of the name] and he had six children from her and they are Marq, Nafas, Madan, Midian, Sinân and Sereh [Hebrew: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, Shuah].
Lot was mentioned in fourteen chapters in holy quran: Al-An`âm, Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Hijr, AL-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-Naml, Al-`Ankabut, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Al-Qamar, Al-Tahreem. Isaac was mentioned in eight chapters: Al-Baqarah, Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Ibrâhim, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Sâd. Their stories are mentioned in quran either in details or in brief, sometimes mentioning only some of their matters, and in some others more than that, and most of the prophets and viceroys are mentioned in that way. They mentioned that Ishmael lived for one hundred and thirty seven years, and we've mentioned that he died in Mecca and been buried there in the place that is known as Hajar Isma`eel, that is the one located near by the Holy house, with his mother, and this is the most popular.
It is mentioned that Ishmael had twelve sons, and some of them are: Hadâr, Tayyim, Mibsâm, Dawmah, Qidmah and Qaydâr, and they are mentioned in Genesis in Torah [The full list of names in Torah is: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Temah, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah], and they mentioned that all of them started tribes of their own, and only God knows. Until now we did not find a specific way of how Abraham died and quran did not mention how, but Torah mentioned that. In summary, Abraham (PUH) lived for one hundred and seventy five years. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi: Abraham died in the lands of Shem, and his age was at that time one hundred and ninty five years, and God revealed upon him ten books. When he died, his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the cave of Al-Makfeelah in the field of `Afroon ben Sarsar Al-Hashi, and there Sarah was buried before him, and it is the place of the monument of Al-Khaleel in Jirun and now it is called the city of Al-Khaleel (Hebron), and its old name was the village of Arbo` as it is mentioned in the tales of Abul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr.
In opposition to the view that the offspring of Keturah were the realization of the Lord’s promise to Abraham, another approach presents them as perpetually menacing Israel. The Rabbis championing this position emphasize that these offspring do not follow the spiritual way of Abraham; moreover, since they already received their inheritance from him, they are not entitled to make any further demands.
The children of Keturah are depicted as waste that issued from Abraham (Sifrei on Deuteronomy 312). Zimran and Jokshan were so called because they would sing (mezamrim) and beat (mekishim) on a drum for idolatrous purposes (Gen. Rabbah 61:5). When God wished to give the Torah, He offered it to the children of Keturah and to the Ishmaelites, but they refused to accept it, since they could not abandon the robbery and theft on which their lives were based (Midrash Tannaim on Deut. 33:2).
The children of Keturah and of Ishmael did not receive Abraham’s blessing; the midrash stresses that this was an intentional decision on Abraham’s part. He said to himself: “If I bless Isaac now, I will also have to bless the children of Ishmael and of Keturah; but if I do not bless them, how will I be able to bless Isaac? Surely what He wants in His world will happen.” And so it happened that after Abraham’s death, God revealed Himself to Isaac and blessed him, as his father had intended to do (Gen. Rabbah 61:6).
Gen. 25:6 relates that Abraham sent the sons of Keturah away from Isaac “eastward, to the land of the East.” He told them: Go as far eastward as you can, so you will not be burnt by the burning coal of Isaac (Gen. Rabbah 61:7). In another tradition, Abraham sends the sons of Keturah away with a writ of divorce, as a wife is sent away from her husband. This notion is based on 25:6: “But to Abraham’s sons by concubines Abraham gave gifts while he was still living, and he sent them away from his son Isaac”; and this expulsion is both in this world and in the world to come (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer, chap. 29).
The Rabbis ask: What gifts did Abraham nevertheless give the sons of Keturah? And they reply: he gave them “the name of impurity.” This apparently means that he taught them the secrets of sorcery, a characteristic occupation of the non-Jews, which distinguishes them from Israel (BT Sanhedrin 91a).
The Rabbis stress that the subjugation of the children of Keturah to Israel is eternal. When Isaac blessed Jacob, he tells him (Gen. 27:29): “Let peoples serve you, and nations bow to you”; these nations are the offspring of Ishmael and of Keturah (Gen. Rabbah 66:4). Another midrash relates that when Jacob died, the offspring of Esau, Ishmael and Keturah came to Goren ha-Atad to fight against the sons of Jacob. However, when they saw Joseph’s crown suspended above Jacob’s coffin, they took their own crowns and also suspended them above the coffin. Accordingly, this place was called Goren ha-Atad (literally, the threshing floor of thorns), since Jacob’s coffin was surrounded by those thorns (BT Sotah 13a).
Keturah’s offspring never ceased to claim their father’s inheritance. The midrash tells of something involving the Rabbis during the time of Alexander the Great. The offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael came before Alexander and argued against Israel: “Erez Israel belongs to us and to you, for we also are the children of Abraham!” Gebiha ben Pesisa came and said to the Rabbis: “Grant me permission, and I will go and plead against them before Alexander the Great. If they defeat me, then say: You have bested the commoner among us; and if I defeat them, tell them: The Torah of our teacher Moses has defeated you.” They authorized him, and he went and disputed with the offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael. He asked: “Whence do you bring a proof for your claim?” They replied: “From the Torah.” Gebiha ben Pesisa retorted: “I, too, will bring a proof from the Torah. It is said [in Gen. 25:5–6]: ‘Abraham willed all that he owned to Isaac; but to Abraham’s sons by concubines Abraham gave gifts.’ If a father gave his children bequests in his lifetime and sent them away from each other, has any one a claim against the other?” The offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael immediately left behind their sown fields and their planted vineyards, and fled. That year was a Sabbatical year, and Israel enjoyed the fruits of the abandoned fields (BT Sanhedrin 91a).
“The offspring of Keturah” was used as a disparaging appellation by the Rabbis when they wished to deride a Torah scholar who did not live up to expectations, just like the sons of Keturah, who, although the children of Abraham, did not attain the level of Isaac (BT Zevahim 62a–b).
Abraham (PUH) was mentioned in twenty five chapters in holy quran: Al-Baqarah, Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Al-Tawbah, Hud, Yusuf, Ibrâhim, Al-Hijr, Al-Nahal, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-`Ankabut, Al-Ahzâb, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Al-Shurâ, Al-Zokhrof, Al-Ðâriyât, Al-Najm, Al-Hadeed, Al-Momtahanah, Al-A`lâ. In the chapter of Al-Baqarah, the Exalted says: And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed): Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower. Our Lord! And make us submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and relent toward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful(Al-Baqarah:127-128) In the chapter of Âl-`Imrân: Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed for mankind was that at Becca, a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples(Âl-`Imrân:96). In the chapter of Ibrâhim: And when Abraham said: My Lord! Make safe this territory, and preserve me and my sons from serving idols(Ibrâhim:35). In the chapter of Al-Haj: And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy) House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow and make prostration(Al-Haj:26), so follow (read) and notice (think).
We've pointed out that the story of Abraham (PUH) is connected to other stories like the story of Lot, and the story of his son Ishmael and the story of his son Isaac, and we've mentioned that Lot was his maternal cousin and also his nephew and they were in the same time sequence, and Lot believed in his uncle Abraham and so he was calling people to his religion. The Exalted said: And Lot believed him, and said: Lo! I am a fugitive unto my Lord(Al-`Ankabut:26). They say that Ishmael was born when Abraham was eighty six years old, and Abraham lived for one hundred and seventy five years, while Isaac was born while Abraham was one hundred years old and his mother is Sarah the maternal cousin of Abraham.
They say that Abraham (PUH) got another six children from other woman other than Sarah and Hagar, but quran did not mention apparently except ishmael and Isaac. Torah mentioned that Abraham married a woman called Keturah [Arabic: Qaturah] and she gave birth for six children for him, and it mentioned their names but there is no need to mention them now because it has no effects. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi he said: After Sarah's death, Abraham married Qanturâ' [just another variation of the name] and he had six children from her and they are Marq, Nafas, Madan, Midian, Sinân and Sereh [Hebrew: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, Shuah].
Lot was mentioned in fourteen chapters in holy quran: Al-An`âm, Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Hijr, AL-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-Naml, Al-`Ankabut, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Al-Qamar, Al-Tahreem. Isaac was mentioned in eight chapters: Al-Baqarah, Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Ibrâhim, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Sâd. Their stories are mentioned in quran either in details or in brief, sometimes mentioning only some of their matters, and in some others more than that, and most of the prophets and viceroys are mentioned in that way. They mentioned that Ishmael lived for one hundred and thirty seven years, and we've mentioned that he died in Mecca and been buried there in the place that is known as Hajar Isma`eel, that is the one located near by the Holy house, with his mother, and this is the most popular.
It is mentioned that Ishmael had twelve sons, and some of them are: Hadâr, Tayyim, Mibsâm, Dawmah, Qidmah and Qaydâr, and they are mentioned in Genesis in Torah [The full list of names in Torah is: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Temah, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah], and they mentioned that all of them started tribes of their own, and only God knows. Until now we did not find a specific way of how Abraham died and quran did not mention how, but Torah mentioned that. In summary, Abraham (PUH) lived for one hundred and seventy five years. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi: Abraham died in the lands of Shem, and his age was at that time one hundred and ninty five years, and God revealed upon him ten books. When he died, his sons Isaac and Ishmael in the cave of Al-Makfeelah in the field of `Afroon ben Sarsar Al-Hashi, and there Sarah was buried before him, and it is the place of the monument of Al-Khaleel in Jirun and now it is called the city of Al-Khaleel (Hebron), and its old name was the village of Arbo` as it is mentioned in the tales of Abul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr.
” Dan sesungguhnya utusan-utusan Kami {malaikat-malaikat} telah datang kepada Ibrahim membawa khabar gembira mereka mengucapkan “selamat”.Ibrahim menjawab: “Selamatlah” maka tidak lama kemudian Ibrahim menjamukan daging anak sapi yang dipanggang. 70. Mak tatkala dilihatnya tangan mereka tidak menjamahnya, Ibrahim memandang aneh perbuatan mereka, dan merasa takut kepada mereka. malaikat itu berkata ” Janagan kamu takut sesungguhnya kami adalah {malaikat-malaikat} yang diuts untuk kaum Luth.” 71. dan isterinya berdiri di sampingnya lalu di tersenyum. Maka Kami sampaikan kepadanya berita gembira akan {kelahiran} Ishaq dan sesudah Ishaq {lahir pula} Ya’qup. 72. Isterinya berkata ” sungguh menghairankan apakah aku akan melahirkan anak padahal aku adalah seorang perempuan tua dan suamiku pun dalam keadaan yang sudah tua juga? Sesungguhnya ini benar-benar sesuatu yang aneh. 73. Para malaikat itu berkata ” Apakah kamu merasa hairan tentang ketetapan Allah? { itu adalah} rahmat Allah dan keberkatan-Nya dicurahkan atas kamu hai ahlulbait! sesungguhnya Allah Maha Terpuji lagi Maha Pemurah. 74. Mak tatkala rasa takut hilang dari Ibrahim dan berita gembira telah datang kepadanya dia pun bersoal jawab dengan {malaikat-malaikat} Kami tentang kaum Luth.” { Hud : 69 ~ 74 }Selain ayat-ayat yang tersebut di atas yang membawa berita akan lahirnya Nabi Ishaq drp kedua orang tuanya yang sudah lanjut usia yang menurut sementara riwayat bahwa usianya pada waktu itu sudah mencapai sembilan puluh tahun, terdapat beberapa ayat yang menetapkan kenabiannya di antaranya ialah ayat 49 surah “Maryam” sebagai berikut:
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