Wednesday 11 September 2013





Berpuluh tahun rakyat  memberi subsidi kepada Kerajaan, cuma Kerajaan tidak pandai mengurus kewangan. Kerajaan hanya mengutamakan golongan tertentu saja terutama yang terdekat, rapat dan berkawan dengan mereka. Itulah golongan yang banyak menerima menafaat dari pemimpin.

Tak cukup dengan pemberian subsidi dari rakyat, subsidi yang dikata diberikan melalui minyak diambil 20 sen. Nampaknya semua benda yang bolih 'mengembungkan kantung rakyat' , semuanya dari poket rakyat. Duit rakyat diseleweng sewenang-weneng.  Cukai yang dikenakan terhadap rakyat mengalahkan Yahudi...

                Artikel yang saya copy paste dari blog OutSyedTheBox :- Terbaik!!!!!!!!!!!

                                "YAHUDI PUN TAK SEGILA INI APABILA BERNIAGA"

Harga Kereta Mahal : Rakyat Tanggung Sabsidi Untuk Kroni-Kroni Kerajaan.
Janji Najib : "Harga Kereta Akan Di Turunkan.." 

Correct me if I am wrong but Najib Tun Razak did say that the Gomen will make cars cheaper to buy and also to own. Car prices in Malaysia are already among the highest in the whole world.

Now with the fuel prices going up even higher, the cost of owning and operating a car has also become much more expensive. 

There must be a tradeoff

If the Gomen wishes to remove the fuel subsidies and allow the price of petrol and diesel to sell at the world market prices that is fine. I can agree with that. But what about the prices of cars in Malaysia? Malaysians are still paying among the highest prices for cars in the world today - way, way above the world market prices.

About the subsidies I was not the only person to suggest that the fuel subsidies be removed more gradually. Janganlah potong sabsidi secara terkejut tergempar. 

If you let the petrol price go up say FIVE SEN every two months then in two years you can remove the subsidy entirely. And the effect on inflation and on peoples' wallet will not be so violent. 

I recall making these suggestions more than two years ago. Depa tak mahu dengar. Now you jerk up the fuel price overnite by 20 sen and the price of everything else in the economy also goes up overnite. There is going to be serious inflation in the country. 

Making the inflation worse is the fact that our Ringgit is falling against the Singapore Dollar, the US Dollar and the Chinese Yuan. (Err...kekawan Blogger Pembodek semua tak akan faham benda macam ni ok - kau orang minum teh sajalah dulu ok).

But there must be a give and take.  

Kalau lah kita nak potong sabsidi minyak sebab rakyat marhaen perlu belajar uruskan kehidupan seharian ikut realiti harga pasaran dunia (the reality of world market prices) saya boleh setuju. Saya sokong 100%.

Kita semua perlu lebih disiplin untuk sara hidup sendiri dengan berdiri atas kaki sendiri. Berdikari. I think everyone can agree with that.  Lets get rid of the subsidies and learn to live without subsidies. Lets learn to live within our means. Not too much spoon feeding.

Tapi kalau ikut lojik yang sama bang, apa pasal pula rakyat marhaen yang sekarang diajar belajar hidup tanpa sabsidi perlu bayar sabsidi yang paling tinggi kepada Gomen pula? Dalam bentuk harga kereta yang paling mahal di dunia? Jauh lebih tinggi dan jauh lebih mahal daripada harga pasaran dunia untuk kereta yamg sama? 

Err Blogger Pembodek semua boleh faham ke?  Gomen kata Gomen tak boleh bayar sabsidi sampai kiamat. Kita semua kena belajar hidup tanpa sabsidi. So sekarang harga minyak sudah naik. Gomen kata kita semua kena belajar bayar harga minyak ikut pasaran dunia.

Habis pasal apa pula kita kena bayar harga kereta yang paling tinggi di dunia? Jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran dunia?  Tak caya? Jom kita tengok harga kereta di pasaran dunia.

And these higher car prices are still caused by the high duties, taxes, levies and whatever the Gomen charges on imported cars PLUS also the APs that are still needed to import cars. And the APs benefit only the cronies.

1. This car above is the 2013 Hyundai Sonata, 4-door, 5-passenger family sedan. It is sold in the USA for RM70,000 - RM100,000 (US$21,195 - $30,550) !!  In Malaysia the same car sells for RM135,000 - RM163,000.  

So in Malaysia the car buyer "SUBSIDISES" the Gomen, the AP cronies, the car companies, the car dealers between RM63,000 to RM65,000 above the world market prices for every Hyundai Sonata alone.   

2. The next car above is the 2013 Kia Optima, a 4-door, 5-passenger family sedan that sells in the USA for RM70,000 to RM88,000   (USD$21,350 - $26,800). In Malaysia we pay RM140,000 for the Optima. That is RM70,000 more than world market prices for the same car. 

Soalannya kalau harga minyak di Malaysia boleh ikut harga pasaran dunia, pasal apa pula harga Kia Optima DUA KALI GANDA harga pasaran dunia? Pelik bin Ajaib bro. Blogger Pembodek  semua boleh faham ke? 

3.  Above is the 2013 Lexus GS, a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sedan  sells in the world markets at RM156,000 to RM196,000 (USD $47,250 - $59,450).  In Malaysia the car sells for RM380,000 - RM415,000 !! That is RM219,000 to RM224,000 higher than world market prices. 

4.  The 2013 VW Passat, a 4-door, 5-passenger family sedan.  Sells in the USA for RM68,000 - RM110,000 (USD $20,845 - $33,525). In Malaysia this car sells for RM184,000 to  RM243,000.  This means Malaysians are paying RM116,000 to RM133,000  MORE than world market prices for the VW Passat.

5. This car above is the 2013 Honda CR-V, a 4-door, 5-passenger sport-utility. It sells in the USA for  RM75,000 to RM100,000  (USD$22,795 - $30,295). In Malaysia we pay RM146,000. We are paying almost double - RM71,000 above world market prices. 

Gomen duties, Gomen taxes, Gomen levies, AP cronies portion, car dealers mark up is all adding up and making us pay way above market prices for cars. The rakyat is subsidising the Gomen, the AP cronies and the car companies. 

6.  The Toyota Camry 2013 above is a 4-door, 5-passenger family sedan which sells in the USA for RM73,000 to RM100,000 (USD$22,235 - $30,465). In Malaysia the Toyota Camry sells for RM150,000 - RM181,000.  Again in Malaysia we are paying RM77,000 - RM81,000 above world market prices for the Toyota Camry.  Why? Why? Why? 

Habis siapa bayar sabsidi kepada siapa sekarang? Gomen bayar sabsidi kepada rakyat atau rakyat yang terpaksa tanggung harga kereta yang paling tinggi di dunia? Dua kali atau tiga kali ganda harga pasaran dunia.

Gomen kata Gomen bayar sabsidi kepada rakyat marhaen untuk beli minyak murah. Sekarang sebab Gomen nak rakyat marhaen jadi lebih bertanggungjawab menguruskan kewangan peribadi, maka sabsidi minyak pun dikurangkan dan harga minyak pun naik. Gomen kata kita kena bayar harga minyak ikut harga pasaran dunia. 

Tapi bila datang bab beli kereta pula, rakyat marhaen pula yang kena bayar sabsidi kepada Gomen, sabsidi kepada syarikat penjual kereta dan sabsidi kepada kroni yang pegang AP. Berpuluh-puluh ribu Ringgit untuk setiap biji kereta. 

Di pasaran dunia harga sebenar Toyota Camry RM73,000 saja.  Harga sebenar Honda CRV RM75,000 saja. Di Malaysia pula kita bayar harga dua kali ganda. Ini sabsidi jenis apa pula?

Finally I want to address those people who subscribe to the business philosophy of the "Proton School of Management". The "Proton School of Management" says to make profits it is ok to "buy high and sell low". Beli mahal dan jual murah boleh untung.  Inilah falsafah 'Proton School of Management'.

If your logic says that it is OK for Malaysians to pay higher prices for cars than the world market then why not sell the Toyota Camry for RM500,000 each? Better still why not sell the Toyota Camry for RM1.0 million each? The more expensive it is, it should be better for the Malaysian consumer right? Then you can sell the Proton for RM500,000 each. The Kancil maybe RM300,000 each? The more expensive the better. 

While you are at it (ie going mad) please do not complain if the prices of houses are also increasing. Or if the price of roti canai increases, or if the price of gold increases. Do not complain if the house rentals go up or if the price of rice, fish and teh tarik all keep going up.

According to you the higher the price, the better it is for everyone. This is the Proton School of Management

The next time you see Mydin or Tesco having a sale, tell them to cancel the sale. Pasal apa nak kasi diskaun atau jual murah? Biar jual mahal saja. Biar semua orang bayar harga yang lebih mahal dan harga yang lebih tinggi untuk sayur, yuran sekolah, ikan, susu, kasut, dan untuk semua barang lagi.

Kenapa harga kereta saja dibiarkan jadi mahal. Elok kita naikkan harga semua barang dalam negara kita. Boleh kita pakai T shirt 'Saya Sokong Barang Naik'

If the fuel subsidies are being removed and we are to pay market prices for fuel then by the same token let us also pay world market prices for motor vehicles, cars and motorbikes.  

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