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Bukan semua rakyat akan terikut dasar pemerintah sekiranya 'dasar' dan halatuju yang dilakukan banyak mendatangkan keperitan terhadap orang lain. Begitu juga dengan US bukan semua rakyat rakan sekutunya yang bersetuju dengan dasar mereka, olih itu, berbagai salah-laku serta jalan belakang yang dilakukan olih US mahupun rakan sekutunya akan dihebahkan kepada penduduk dunia untuk dikongsi bersama.
Salah satu kebarangkalian 'ajenda' terbesar yang dilihat dapat 'mempertahankan' kewibawaan;' industri 'pertahanan' serta 'kemajuan teknoligi'komputer' masa hadapan, yang sememangnya ingin dimonopoli secara mutlak. Untuk menjayakan ajenda itu 'subjek' yang paling bertepatan haruslah difikirkan. Sambila menyelam minum air atau mensasarkan negara yang ingin diajendakan yang dilihat 'vokal' dipersada antarabangsa maka satu penilaian telah dirangka bagai 'memerangkap'. Memandangkan negara ini merupakan rakan strategi rapat negara Cina dan bukan rakan sekutu 'ketenteraan' dirantau ini maka 'mengajendakan' Malaysia adalah kemestian. Inilah yang berlaku.
Menyedarai politik Malaysia berpecah atau berpuak maka perancangan digerakkan untuk 'mengail' Malaysia. Berpaksikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang rancak membangun ditambah lagi dengan peningkatan jati diri umat Islam yang dilihat amat kuat berpegang kepada aturan Islam berbanding negara Islam lain di Asia Tenggara maka kecurigaan serta mengekakang kebangkitan Islam yang ditakuti berlaku maka 'menjatuhkan maruah' kepimpinan Melayu dan Islam adalah keutamaan mereka.
Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, itulah ayat tepat yang bolih diertikan. Melakukan sesuatu yang diluar kemampuan Malaysia serta keterbatasan dalam 'peralatan' maka 'ajenda 'yang berskala 'international' atau ajenda yang melibatkan maruah' diperingkat antarabangsa distrategikan. Inilah yang berlaku hari ini. Seluruh 'media antarabangsa' berkampung dinegara ini bagi melapurkan 'ketidakupayaan' kita dimata dunia.
'Membakar perasaan rakyat negara China' dimainakan olih media mereka ' Berbagai-bagai spekulasi diterjemahkan bagi 'menaikkan' kemarahan orang China terhadap kepimpinan Malaysia. Ajenda 'silap mata' keupayaan radar mereka disorokan, yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengekses kemampuan 'pertahanan' dirantau ini disamping untuk 'menilai' keupayaan militari negara China semata yang pada akhirnya Amerika akan menjurus untuk 'menilai' keupayaan mereka untuk 'bersidai' di Kepulauan Spratly yang menjadi rebutan olih seluruh anggota Asean yang berhampiran dengannya termasuklah Negara China.
Atas keupayaan apa yang dimiliki olih Amerika ternyata secara jelas bahawa penglibatan mereka didalam 'permainan' ini amat jelas sekali . Keupayaan yang dimiliki olih US bukan saja terhadap radar dan satellitenya tetapi keupayaan untuk 'meremote control' Pesawat MH370 untuk mengikut 'route plan' mereka juga adalah kebenaran.
Untuk selanjutnya bacalah dibawah ini :-
Who Took Control Of Malaysia Airlines Boeing?
“And at the end of the day, every airliner that has an auto-interruptible autopilot, making planes a very complex remotely controlled flying vehicles, but it should only be remotely controlled if there’s a threat against the aircraft or the people on board.
“I presume that it’s possible that someone on board the aircraft, if they are a software engineer for instance could trigger the remote control of it, but I think its more likely that someone at a ground station, or even an Air Force AWACS aircraft or the Navy aircraft could gain authority from the operating company, in this case Malaysia.”
McConnell explained the protocol for that to happen: “If Malaysia realized they lost control of the aircraft, if their SOC, System Operations Center, cannot electronically recapture the control of their own aircraft, they could contact a variety of nations that might be able to remotely control it — if Malaysia contacted them and said there was a problem.”
He followed that saying, “One nation that I’m confident could do that is the United States of American and if there was an AWACS in that area, they could have taken control of it.”
There are 108 airports around the world that could remotely guide an airplane to a safe stop – a category 3 landing.
Why not just fly it right back to Kuala Lumpur or Beijing?
“I think the most likely scenario is a rogue player whether a front end crew doing it manually or malicious external mode doing it remotely – took the plane off its flight plan and headed to another destination. McConnell said. “Once the rogue controllers got control of it, some benign positive safety conscious remote control was established and the aircraft was landed at one of these many airports that can land a plane.”
Whether the plane could be controlled after a rogue terrorist organization takes control and flies it to another destination, and whether the system allows the airline to override the rogue controller cannot be answered “with any degree of certainty” but these questions need to be asked of Malaysia Airlines and .the Federal Aviation Association, according to McConnell.
Different kind of terrorism: Billions and billions of dollars of intellectual property onboard
“Keep in mind there were billions and billions of dollars worth of intellectual technology property of an open patent on that plane in the form of Freescale and others on the plane, so it could be corporations or nations willing to hijack for that plane for that intelligence,” he said.
McConnell says that until that patent is granted, and the ownership of that patent is 20% for five parties, four to individuals and one to Freescale. Four days after the missing flight MH370, a highly valusble patent was approved by the Patent Office. Four of the five patent holders are Chinese nationals working for Austin-based Freescale Semiconductor, owned by Blackstone, for which Rothschild is a board member.
On April 27, 2013, Bloomberg published an article confirming Freescale is a Blackstone venture: “Blackstone-Owned Freescale Rises as Forecast Tops Estimates: Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. (FSL), the chipmaker mostly owned by a private-equity group including Blackstone Group LP (BX) and TPG Capital, rose after predicting second-quarter sales that may exceed some analysts’ estimates.”
The patent holders are: 1) Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%), 2) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) 3) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) 4) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) 5) Freescale Semiconductor (20%). According to the March 8, 2014, passenger manifest(original) of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 these were not on that plane. If they were, their names were not listed.
What officials initially said, however, was as many as seven people on board were using passports other than their own. Officials also reported at one point that there were four other passengers aside from the two Iranians whose identities were unclear. Then, officials made no more public statements about this.
“Until that patent is granted, their patent income would go to their survivors – but the ownership would go back to Freescale in Austin TX,” McConnell said, adding, “I’m not suggesting that Freescale is behind this.”
This is a different kind of terrorism, by organizations or nations who want cutting-edge military technology
ikhlas dari :- Cahaya Al Majid
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