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Alhamdullilah syukur krhadrat Illahi yang masih lagi memberikan 'ihsan Nya' untuk kita memikir ataupun mengkehendaki kita menyulam mahupun menyelesaikan 'silangkata' Nya yang tersembunyi dan dibawah ini saya utarakan sebuah lagi pandangan berhubung tajuk yang sangat melekat dihati setiap umat, samaada Umat Islam mahupun umat lain untuk dinilai.
Walaupun kita berada ditengah-tengah pembahagi namun kemungkinan mahupun kebarangkalian untuk menyanggah sesetengah pandangan bukanlah hak kita. Olih itu sama-samalah kita 'menyelami'nya agar kepenatan badan tidak menjejaskan 'keimanan ' dan semoga pendedahan ini juga .
diharapkan dapat 'menerangkan' kekaburan .
Comments by ARAM : on Kebangkitan Terungkai :Putera Mariam Al Masih Atau Al Mahdi
Let me enlighten all of you on some prophecies of interest I am to concentrate on the 2nd coming of Christ(MAHDI). If you think he is coming to Jerusalem (In Israel) then you are wrong. What did Jesus say”” If people say I am here ,I am there or in the desert do not follow, as the lightning strike from the EAST to the WEST so shall my coming be” and “When you see the EUPHRATES rivers dries up that is the time of the coming of the king from the East” “The place that I will come will be the new JERUSALEM” and “in the place of MY FATHER there are many mansions{PALACES). Remember when he said”. Remember the one prophetic signal on” There are “TEN KINGS” after that “there are seven 7 Kings, five (5) have fallen, one is the other has not yet comes and when he comes he shall remain a little while before the faithful and chosen shall overcome them” Last time you try to equate 10 kings with the formation of EEC and you know it was not EEC. Now remember ASEAN Economic Community will be a reality in 2015 and remember all these were formally ruled by KINGS and now 5 have fallen LAOS, VIETNAM, MYANMAR,CAMBODIA,AND PHILIPPINES,
. So the prophecy has come true .When Jesus was referring to the EAST, he was telling about the COUNTRY OF MY FATHER. Before Malaysia was formed the country was called “MAL AYA” MAL AYA mean the country of MY FATHER, AYA IN MALAY MEANS FATHER and MAL mean ANGELS and the domain name for Malaysia is “MY” and if you were to reverse MALAYSIA it is AI SYALAM” which means the new JERUSALEM the KINGDOM OF GOD .Even the highest peak in the world is called HI" MALAYA . “means the “Hills of the Malays” and MALAYSIA read backwards meant AI SYALAM means” Angelic Kingdom of God” THE NEW JERUSALEM/ DARUSSALAM. PTOLEMY called this place “THE GOLDEN CHERSONESE” and The Indian called this place “SWARNABHUMI” which literally translated means the LAND OF GOLD”
Malaysia is the only country that has 9 sultans (Kings)who rotates among themselves to be proclaimed KING for a period of 5 years, after which they are fallen kings). And if the above prophecies on the AEC formation is unacceptable then look at this, and after 5 years this king is fallen and he will become the sultan and return to his state. A new king will be elected to replace him. So basically this is the country of the ten kings, with the nine sultan and plus BRUNEI it is still ten KINGS."There are seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet comes, and when he comes he shall remain a little while before the faithful and chosen shall overcome them”.
This place was call Malaya, yes the highest peak on earth is HIMALAYA.(Hills of the Malay” This country domain is” MY” and in international sports Malaysian contingent known as MAS (GOLD)
As Isa said, ” as the lightning strike from the East to the West so shall my coming be” . He said I will talk in a” PLAIN language”. and Malay is a very plain language. In the Book of the Revelation , the subject matter of the codified message ‘ I shall talk to you about many nations , tongues. Languages and Kings” This is the “Green Country” and the Pleasant or Beautiful or Bountiful Country. Peninsula Malaysia has 12 states which reflects the 12 tribes of Israel. Look at the book of the Revelation the sign of the Promised Land. The symbol of” Stars and Moon in Malaysian Flag”.
Yes, all are now in the 2nd life as he said ” verily, verily I said unto thee except a ,man be born again thou shall not see the Kingdom of GOD”, yes we all must be born again, 2nd coming means all of you must be in the 2nd life now. 7/25 Allah berfirman’Dibumi itu kamu HIDUP dan dibumi itu kamu mati dan dari BUMI itu kamu akan DIBANGKITKAN” ‘ kamu hidup kamu mati dan kamu akan dihidupkan kembali dalam ciptaan yang baru” ‘ Aku akan ciptakan kamu dalam keadaan yang kamu tidak ketahui”
15/24 “ sesungguhnya kami telah mengetahui orang –orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, dan sesungguhnya kami mengetahui orang –orang yang terkemudian.
20/55 “Dan kami berfirman, sesudah itu kepada Bani Israil “ Diamlah di negeri ini, maka apabila datang MASA BERBANGKIT, niscaya kamiu datangkan kamu dalam keadaan bercampur baur”Nak tahu apa kah kehidupan kedua guna aal. Kalau rasullullah mengatakan Mahadi akan dating melelui Siti Fatimah, ini bermakna Siti Fatimah kena lahir sekali lagi . Ingat apabila Tuan hamba elahirkan Tuan Nya, so tak payah Tanya jangut kerana ayat ini jelas dan bial anak dilahirkan beruban bermana ia pernah hidup dulu dan di hidupkan sekali lagi. Lagi pun kalau nabi Isa dating bermakna ini ada lah second life bagi dia so semua orang sekarang di hidupkan dalam keadaan yang mereka tidak ketahui.
Begitu juga hadith- hadith banyak memberi gambaran tentang kedatangan Isa AL Masih di sebelah timur. KHORASSAN- negeri matahari terbit.
Dan akhir saperti disebut Isa dalam INJIL, Rasul ALLAH, yang dia panggil AHMAD , disebut sebagai the COMFORTER, CONSOLER, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, who will come and tell you ‘about sin , judgement, and truth’ dan akhir sekali segala doa ahli kitab akan berakhir dengan AMIN, which refers to MOHD.
Dan MAHADI itu akan datang dalam golongan ISLAM dan banyak ciri –ciri yang disebut tentang MAHADI oleh RASULLULLAH ada lah tepat dan benar.
King Solomon’s Gold Mines Mount Ophir Gunung Ledang Malacca Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Peninsula Almug (Algum) Tree Red Sandalwood First Temple Pillars I Kings 10 Ancient Transoceanic Voyages Phoenician Navigators
In I Kings 10 of the Old Testament in the Bible, King Solomon sent ships to Ophir for the finest gold and almug wood (for the Temple's pillars). The ships sailed from the Red Sea and headed east, to the Malaysian Peninsula, where the gold mountain there, east of the town of Malacca, which is just down the coast from Kuala Lumpur, was named Ophir, now known as Gunung Ledang, where are ancient mineshafts like honeycombs, from which huge amounts of gold were extracted by methods now unknown to the natives, nor to the Chinese who have also exploited the region through the centuries. And corroborative of this, that the mines of Ophir were across the vast Indian Ocean, is that also in I Kings 10, the almug (algum) tree, now known as red sandalwood, which grows only in southeast Asia, was sought by Solomon's fleet to construct the pillars of the First Temple; but how could they have navigated safely there and back, when it is commonly considered that such voyages were impossible because they could not accurately chart their course across a vast ocean? - Read article #2 at http://IceAgeCivilizations.com, to understand how they accurately measured time by the stars, with a simple mechanical instrument, and so could measure direction and distance, commonly thought to have been impossible before the invention of Harrison's chronometer in the 1850's. You can see that the evidence is solid that Malaysia is the location of Ophir, and now you can know how the ancients actually did navigate the globe in ancient times, exploiting the minerals which were available, such as in the ancient mysteriously complex mines of Mount Ophir, so check it out, and read further in the other categories to see how science and archaeology corroborate the Bible. [link]
Cahaya Al Majid
Kerana itu, kita semua bawa banyak bersabar dan istighfar.
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Hanya ALLAH yang Lebih Mengetahui.