Sunday, 1 December 2013


Kalau 70 tahun dahulu datuk nenek mereka adalah ""pendatang haram" yang dibawa masuk kenegara ini olih British kerana takut kepada penguasa bangsa mereka sendiri. Kemungkinan kerena datuk dan nenek moyang mereka adalah penentang penguasa kerajaan atau tergolong dari kelompok perompak atau pembunuh maka kesempatan digunakan untuk berlindung dibawah 'kuasa' British untuk melarikan diri.

Disebabkan DNA mereka yang sama, maka, selepas berpuluh tahun tinggal dinegara ini dan diberikan kerakyatan secara percuma olih orang Melayu secara 'paksaan' olih British, maka, pemikiran dan ideologi atau perangai 'menentang' masih 'terserab' dihati dan minda mereka.

Kalau dinegara keturunan bangsa mereka sendiri,  mereka tidak bolih 'sependapat' inikan pula dinegara orang. Sikap mencurigai 'bangsa lain'  dikalangan bangsa ini sememangnya amat tinggi Olih itu apa yang dilihat dan dilalui 'bangsa ini' dinegara ini 'sememangnya' tidak akan 'sepadan dihati dan fikiran' mereka. Ketidakpuasan hati, terasa dianaktiri atau terasa dipinggir sememangnya dirasai namun orang Melayu amat 'bertimbang rasa' diatas kehadiran mereka.

Kini anak "bangsa pelarian"  yang telah disah taraf kerakyatanya, telah mula menunjukkan sikap 'lupa daratan' telah bergabung tenaga untuk 'merosakan' kedamaian negara ini. Berbagai onar dan tuba ditaburkan untuk 'menunjukkan' sifat 'kekurangan ajar'nya terhadap negara ini. Dengan lemparan tulisan yang berbentuk 'penghinaan' terhadap bangsa Melayu ,dan 'menganggap' bangsanya adalah 'terbaik' seperti yang didakwa, membuatkan orang Melayu meluat, sakit hati dan 'menunggu masa' untuk diberikan pengajaran .

Berselindung dibelakang 'persatuan'  atau 'kelompok politik' dengan harapan Melayu takut, adalah satu  kesilapan. . Sedarlah wahai kaum Cina, bahawa Melayu hanya menunggu 'saat' kerana Melayu sudah bosan dengan 'keburukan' bangsa yang berketurunan dari Tanah Besar China ini. Kalau kaum sebangsa kamu berani 'menghukum' kamu, inikan pula kamu adalah 'pendatang hanyut'. Sebelum Melayu menjadi kurang ajar, seeloknya, kaum kamu belajar agar jangan manjadi kaum yang kurang ajar sebelum Melayu 'mengajar' kamu.

The new Malay dilemma - Lok Wing Kong
SEPTEMBER 02, 2013

There is a new Malay dilemma.

For more than half a century, the Malays are blessed with special rights and the NEP. These have made them over-depending on government for many things. They want a crutch and are given the crutch.  It has been likened that the Malays in this country are spoon-fed.

The non-Malays are not jealous about them as the Chinese Malaysians are a hardy race and they can survive under any conditions and with no help from anyone.

The Indian Malaysians are also hardy but they are confined to estates and low wage-work.  Business-wise, the Indians cannot match the Chinese Malaysian.

The Malays are generally not good at business. Therefore they are mostly employed by the government and GLCs.  Not many Malay graduates have the employable attributes, hence the private sector has shunned them.

Human beings are like animals as far as making a living is concerned. Without help, everyone will think hard and work hard in order to survive.

However the domestic animals and those kept in the zoo are not required to hunt for food.  The food is fed to them. Over time, they have forgotten how to get food.  The Orang Utan, after being kept in captivity for many years, once they are released back to the wild, they either find ways to come back to their captivity or die shortly. Why is this so?

It is because they have lost their instinct to hunt for food.

The Malays are in similar situations.   The Malay contractors survive because they are handed out heavily padded contracts by the government.  The government practises mediocrity in employment, in education, in many fields you name.

In education, the Malay students study matriculation. This has resulted in Malay students outnumbering the non-Malay students in scoring full 4.0 in CGPA by 10 to 3.  The non- Malays though score full 4.0 CGPA by sitting STPM but are not able to get to study the courses of their choice in the public universities.  With the race-based policies, the Malays do not have to work hard in order to have a comfortable life.

Malaysia will one day run out of resources. The powers-that-be will not continuously have the means and ability to feed them. They are used to the crutch and without the crutch they fall.

The government-that-be must start to wean off their dependence otherwise God knows what will happen to them in the future. - September 2, 2013.

* Lok Wing Kong reads The Malaysian Insider.

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