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Nampaknya berita Rosmah terlebih utama berbanding Najib, itulah 'bodek yang terlampau' yang dipaparkan. Walauapa pun Najib amat 'teruja' dengan 'istilah 'lawatan dalam percutian' ke New York ini beliau 'gambarkan' sebagai berjaya tetapi diPengkalan Kubo 'orang' UMNO dan macai-macai mereka 'bermandi keringat' bagi memastikan 'kerusi mereka 'tidak terlepas'.
Didalam 'kerancakan' Najib dan gerombolannya ke New York yang dikata berpeluang 'meningkatkan' kemasukkan 'dana' untuk perlaburan namun dibelakang rumah kita sendiri (dalam negara), berita sensasi yang di'topedokan' olih ' OUTSYEDTHEBOX" amat menakutkan.
Kalau ditimbang atau difikirkan sejenak ' siapa sebenarnya yang menjadi 'baghal' sekarang ini.?
Tidakke 'Pak Arab' yang dijemput untuk 'melabur' atau 'me 'lebur' duit rakyat ini dibawa olih kroni Najib dan Rosmah?
Kalau tak 'kaya' nampaknya..negara ini berkemungkinan akan 'kayap'.
Malaysia sediakan iklim pelaburan terbaik
NEW YORK 26 Sept. - Ketika isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor memperkatakan soal pemerkasaan wanita di Malaysia pada satu persidangan di Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pula mempromosikan Malaysia kepada para pengurus dana, pelabur dan komuniti perniagaan Amerika Syarikat.
Sehari suntuk pada Khamis di AS (perbezaan waktu separuh hari di belakang waktu di Malaysia), Perdana Menteri meluangkan masa mengadakan pertemuan penting itu termasuk dalam majlis Invest Malaysia 2014 yang memberinya peluang bertemu 14 pengurus dana AS yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan dana di seluruh dunia berjumlah AS$8 trilion (RM26 trilion).
Ia disusuli dengan perjumpaan dengan golongan eksekutif kanan AS dan kemudian menyertai Forum Perniagaan Malaysia-AS yang menyaksikan beliau membawa bersama ahli-ahli dewan-dewan perniagaan di Malaysia.
Berbekalkan pelbagai maklumat yang berkaitan termasuk ekonomi dan iklim pelaburan di Malaysia, Najib yang juga Menteri Kewangan berupaya memberi gambaran tepat dan menyeluruh tentang Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelaburan yang terbaik.
Dalam usaha menarik minat mereka menanam modal serta mencari rakan kongsi niaga di Malaysia, Najib turut menghuraikan kelebihan iklim pelaburan termasuk jaminan kestabilan politik dan keharmonian yang berterusan di Malaysia.
"Asas-asas ekonomi Malaysia adalah kukuh. Enam bulan pertama tahun ini, kadar pertumbuhan kami adalah 6.3 peratus, melepasi kadar yang dijangkakan dan pelaburan langsung asing mencatat rekod tertinggi pada tahun lepas.
Dalam usaha menarik minat mereka menanam modal serta mencari rakan kongsi niaga di Malaysia, Najib turut menghuraikan kelebihan iklim pelaburan termasuk jaminan kestabilan politik dan keharmonian yang berterusan di Malaysia.
"Asas-asas ekonomi Malaysia adalah kukuh. Enam bulan pertama tahun ini, kadar pertumbuhan kami adalah 6.3 peratus, melepasi kadar yang dijangkakan dan pelaburan langsung asing mencatat rekod tertinggi pada tahun lepas.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Arabs L*wat Super Dunggus Again. Blogger UMNO Sila Get Ready Tutup Bangkai Gajah
Some days ago a couple of friends and I were in a conversation with someone (wish I could say who) who said that all these Arab investors being brought in by the Najib regime are ripping us off.
Arabs certainly do not have any technology.
Their business skills are questionable.
It depends on a bottomless pit of buta oil money.
But it turns out now that they may not even have money. Yet they can still outsmart our local superdunggus.
Now the arab investment model has changed. They come here and borrow money from our local banks to finance their JVs with the dunggu GLCs. Depa pinjam duit kita lepas itu depa melabur duit itu dalam syarikat GLC dunggu.
They are brought here by really dunggu GLC nuts who seem to think the world about arabs.
They already l*watted Khazanah nice and proper in Iskandar.
Another bunch of superdunggus who have brought in arabs is 1MDB.
Now here is news about these arab investors pulling out from 1MDB's TRX project.
1MDB may face loss of global investors in Tun Razak Exchange and Bandar Malaysia
The Malaysian Insider
1MDB may face loss of global investors in TRX & Bandar Malaysia
Qatar & Abu Dhabi pulling billions of ringgit out
lack of transparency, slow progress, lack of experience ! ! !
substantial interest (costs) will accumulate
1MDB & Aabar raised RM9.7 billion to fund RM18bil projects
(Woi, what has happened to this RM9.7 Billion??)
TRX their first 50:50 joint venture - Abu Dhabi Malaysia Investment Co
Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) pledged US$5bil in Bandar M'sia
In exchange, 1MDB promised QIA 1st choice of land, before ..local developers.
investor from Kuwait recently pulled out.
1MDB developer for TRX & 200.3ha Bandar M'sia township
project had yet to start earthworks
several changes & this caused delays
KL mayor said all necessary approvals issued
Earthworks approved by (DBKL) last year
plans completed in 2012, construction to start June 2012.
DBKL had yet to receive any application (from) Bandar Malaysia.
Bandar Malaysia one year behind schedule
1MDB RE invited contractors for pre-qualification exercise - Edge 24/9/2014.
Folks, now they say lack of experience is one of the reasons this project is not moving.
I have met the earlier 1MDB CEO. The usual 'dont know much about much' type of guy.
Its ok if they had given him RM100,000 to start up a mini market or something. But straight away they gave him an RM18.0 Billion development project.
Plus they brought the arabs into the picture. Just bend over lah. Apa lagi mahu cerita?
What I want to know is this - how many billions have been lost? Pay attention to the following :
Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) pledged US$5bil in Bandar M'sia
In exchange, 1MDB promised QIA 1st choice of land, before ..local developers
Qatar again. That would be Rosmah's friends.
What do you mean by "they pledged"? I too can "pledge".
"I, OutSyed The Box hereby pledge to shove US10 billion worth of durians up 1MDB's kazoo'. There you see - that is a pledge. But did they put in real money? Was there real money put on the table?
And in return for this "pledge" what did 1MDB do?
"In exchange, 1MDB promised QIA 1st choice of land, before ..local developers.."
Wow !! They only gave a pledge. And in exchange you give them a 'promise' for first choice of land?? Village idiots. And you also gave them priority ahead of local developers. Traitors.
They say "1MDB & Aabar raised RM9.7 billion.."
Ok, so where is this money? What happened to this RM9.7 Billion?
Project tak jalan.
Earthworks pun belum start lagi.
Investor pak unta dah lari.
So what has happened to this RM9.7 Billion that was borrowed from the banks? Where has this money gone? Not another Bermuda Triangle?
So when they say "Qatar & Abu Dhabi pulling billions of ringgit out" whose billions are they actually pulling out? Is it
their own billions which they brought from Qatar and Abu Dhabi or
the billions which they borrowed from here in Malaysia?
Folks, we have to know how many billions we have lost in this escapade. 1MDB has borrowed maybe RM42 billion based on a gomen guarantee. That means you and me have guaranteed this money.
Lets say they are borrowing at 6% per annum. That means the RM9.7 billion incurs an interest expense of RM582 million per year.
The TRX project has not even begun. How are they going to service interest piling up at RM582 Million per year?
They raised the RM9.7 Billion in 2012. This means two years have gone by. That means they must pay RM582 x 2 yrs = RM1.164 Billion interest alone (bunga saja).
Project belum jalan. Bunga sudah beranak. Duit mana mari nak cover bunga?
Now assuming the project jalan and everything is sold, they still have to generate an extra RM1.164 Billion profit to cover the interest alone. Fuiyyo !!
Pi jauh-jauh nak buat project kat Detroit pun depa kata pulangan dia 4% saja. Jadi maksudnya kalau buat project di Malaysia pulangan dia mesti lebih 4%? Ya tak? Mestilah. Otherwise how to pay bunga RM1.164 Billion?
So kalau project di Malaysia boleh kasi pulangan (Return on Investment) lebih dari 4%, habis pasal apa satu lagi group superdunggu itu nak pi invest kat Detroit pula? Dapat 4% saja?
Lepas tu kalau project kat Malaysia tak boleh kasi pulangan lebih dari 4%, macam mana 1MDB nak bayar bunga saja RM1.164 Billion?
Blogger UMNO semua boleh faham ke?
Kalau dia pinjam kat 'Islamic banking' pun dia kena bayar 'al-kadar al-untung al-bank al-Islam'. Serupa juga. Tak boleh lari brader.
So, wak is my golok? Blogger UMNO boleh jawab ke?
ikhlas dari : Cahaya Al Majid
Gali2x lubang, tutup2x lubang, akhirnya kau terkambus jgk. Al fatehah untukmu... Mr Najib. 'Demi masa', malaikat nyawa sdg memburumu!