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Thailand merupakan satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang tidak pernah dijajah? Kenapa agaknya? Agak muskil juga bila memikirkan. Tetapi itulah hakikatnya. Adakah kerana Raja nya kah atau kerajaannya yang kuat kah atau berpengaruh atau sememangnya Thailand ini merupakan sahabat 'talam dua muka' atau 'gunting dalam lipatan'?
Kerajaan Malaysia tahu dan sedar bahawa Terrorist Chin Peng sememangnya 'berlindung' atau 'bersembunyi' di bumi Thailand tetapi disebabkan 'kekangan' sempadan atau menghormati sensitiviti kedaulatan negara jiran maka pemburuan terhadap 'Terrorist bernama Chin Peng' agak terbatas. Mengharapkan 'tentera jiran' untuk sama-sama memburu 'terrorist bernama Chin Peng' sememangnya tidak dilayan olih Tentera Thailand.
Apa yang terjadi sebenarnya, Tentera Thailand lah yang menyembunyi dan melindungi Ketua Terrorist bernama Chin Peng. Tentera Thailand sebenarnya bersifat 'talam dua muka' berhubung 'terrorist Chin Peng". Berpuluh tahun terrorist Chin Peng berada dibumi Thailand, namun, Terrorist Chin Peng sebenarnya bebas bergerak kemana juga dibumi Thailand sebagai Ketua Terrorist sehinggalah ke Vietnam. Diatas 'kebaikan serta 'perlindungan' yang diberikan olih Tentera Thailand, maka Terrorist Chin Peng yang dikenali sebagai Komrad Tertinggi PKM bertindak tidak 'memerangi' tentera Thailand sebagai balasan.
Pembuktian teori ini terbukti apabila dua ketua Negara Thailand serta bebarapa Jeneral Tinggi Thailand menghadirkan diri 'di majlis memberi penghormatan terakhir untuk Ketua Terrorist bernama Chin Peng yang berlangsung di Bangkok.
Begitulah sifatnya 'bekas Perdana Menteri dan Jeneral Tentera Thailand' yang sememangnya berhasrat untuk melihat Malaysia agar sentiasa 'huru hara ' dan 'tidak stabil".
ikhlas dari :- Cahaya Al Majid
Thai ex-prime minister and 2 ex-generals attend Chin Peng funeral in Bangkok
Former Thai prime minister General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh was present and so too were former Thai military commanders General Kitti Rattanachaya and General Pisarn Wattanawongkiri.
Inside the memorial hall, Chavalit sat in front while the other generals sat together a row behind him.
Chin Peng's son and his wife sat several rows behind. His daughter did not attend the funeral because she was ill.
Chavalit told reporters he was attending Chin Peng's funeral as a mark of respect for a man he regarded as a very good friend.
300 friends and former communist comrades flocked to the temple in Sukhumvit Road
150 close friend attended . Farewell letter which was read out by his close friends and comrades including Lee Tuck Hee and Anas Abdullah, in Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin, respectively.
The socialist anthem L'Internasionale played in the background as Chin Peng's last letter was read.
Paying tribute, former Thai army general Pisarn Wattanawongkiri said Chin Peng is the Malaysian equivalent of Ho Chin Minh, Aung San and Kusno Sosrodihardjo or Sukarno, for his ceaseless efforts during the battle for independence.
Pisarn said Chin Peng had fought ceaselessly and sacrificed a lot for the cause of the Communist Party of Malaya.
Although the Malaysian government, vilified Chin Peng, Pisarn said he was a kind, honest and principled individual.
"He was like a father figure to his men and I looked up to him like a big brother. He has been like a relative of mine for the past 20 years and I will always appreciate the time that we have spent together," Pisarn said at the Wat That Thong temple memorial hall.
Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese communist revolutionary who led the Viet Minh independence movement and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945. Ho Chi Minh, similar to Chin Peng, was the first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Sukarno was Indonesia's first president and the leader of his country's struggle for independence from the Netherlands. Sukarno was a prominent leader of Indonesia's nationalist movement during the Dutch colonial period.
Aung San was a Burmese revolutionary, nationalist, and founder of the modern Burmese army and is also considered to be the father of modern-day Burma, or Myanmar. He is the father of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.
Chavalit, who was the Thai premier between 1996 and 1997, said he never viewed Chin Peng as a guerrilla, but as a friend.
"Chin Peng was not someone who was fighting for personal glory or interests, but fighting for the people.
"In the hearts of many Thai people, especially the soldiers, Chin Peng was a hero who was much admired for his dedication, perseverance and resourcefulness. Despite the insurmountable obstacles he faced, Chin Peng was never deterred, he did what he felt was right," Chavalit added.
ReplyDeleteletaklaa gambar bontot khinzir...muka khinzi pon key jugak..satunya yang mengerutu bernanah dan satu lagi yang penuh dengan ulat dan najis..baru real rupa wajah sebenar silaknat buddha bangsa siam..
Berapa ramai raja2 dan sultan melayu,juga bangsa melayu yang mereka tindas dan bunuh dgn kejamnya...dari segenting kra hingalah ke sg.golok sekaliannya adalah saudara kita bangsa melayu muslim.Bagaimana liciknya permainan mereka bersama british 'musang busuk' sehingga berpisah sementara tanah fattani dgn kita.